Happy New Year Everyone!
Sorry for the long delay. We have had multiple computer problems since my last post. I have been forced to really learn to work on my lap top.
I am getting it together so hopefully I won't be so neglectful of all of you.
I just got back from a week in Denver. I was there for work training. Interestingly, while we were have 20 degree weather and snow, it was in the 60's with the wee bit of snow they had melting away. The Rockies are amazing. They loom up all around you. Unfortunately this is as close as I got to them. The one day we had to ourselves, my girlfriends and I went into Denver and enjoyed walking all over the city.
The people are so different, everyone is soooooo nice. Many folk seem to laugh and talk at the same time. Just about everyone we met was from some place else. One of the big selling points to moving to Colorado for me is..... ARCHIVERS!!!! Yep, just a few miles from the hotel was an Archivers. Naturally it was the first place I headed after arriving.
This is the Archiver's haul. I just stuck to stamps. The easiest to bring back on the plane. As you can see it was all the new Hero Arts stuff. When I am done with this post ya know what I will be doing.
I promise to post more frequent. After all Valentine's Day is just around the corner.